- 你好 (Ni3 hao3) – Hello
- 早安 (Zao3 an1) – Good morning
- 下午好 (Xia4wu3 hao3) – Good afternoon
- 晚安 (Wan3 an1) – Good night
- 再見 (Zai4jian4) – Goodbye
- 謝謝你 (Xie4xie4 ni3) – Thank you
- 不客氣 (Bu4 ke4qi4) – You’re welcome
- 對不起 (Dui4bu4qi3) – I’m sorry
- 沒關係 (Mei2 guan1xi4) – It’s okay
Mastering Basic Greetings in Chinese: A Must for New Learners

Greetings are the foundation of any conversation, the first step to opening the door of communication. In Chinese, a greeting can do more than just signal the start of a conversation; it can set the tone for the interaction, show respect, and reflect an understanding of the culture. It’s your first impression, your initial step into a wider world of dialogue and connection.
In this guide, I’ll introduce you to the most common and essential Chinese greetings, both in Mandarin and Cantonese. I’ll provide Pinyin transcriptions, English translations, and cultural context to ensure that you understand not just what to say, but how and when to say it.
Let’s get started, shall we?
Basic Greetings
Meeting People for the First Time
- 請問你叫什麼名字? (Qing3wen4 ni3 jiao4 shen2me ming2zi?) – May I ask, what’s your name?
- 很高興認識你 (Hen3 gao1xing4 ren4shi4 ni3) – Nice to meet you
Getting to Know Others
- 你最近怎麼樣? (Ni3 zui4jin4 zen3me yang4?) – How have you been recently?
- 你在哪裡工作? (Ni3 zai4 na3li3 gong1zuo4?) – Where do you work?
- 你住在哪裡? (Ni3 zhu4 zai4 na3li3?) – Where do you live?
- 你多大了? (Ni3 duo1da4le?) – How old are you?
- 你覺得怎麼樣? (Ni3 jue2de zen3me yang4?) – What do you think?
- 你喜歡吃什麼? (Ni3 xi3huan1 chi1 shen2me?) – What do you like to eat?
- 你的興趣是什麼? (Ni3 de xing4qu4 shi4 shen2me?) – What are your hobbies?
- 你的家人好嗎? (Ni3 de jia1ren2 hao3 ma?) – How is your family?